Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 28, 2019

“But It Shall Not Be So Among You”   Mark 10:32-45   Bible Study   04/28/19

This morning’s text is, in many ways, the key to understanding Mark’s gospel. As Jesus moves towards Jerusalem and the cross, He articulates clearly the nature of His mission and calls His disciples to follow Him in it.

1. Contextual Considerations

• little children in 10:13-16
• rich young man in 10:17-31

2. A Repeated Prophecy (32-34)

• Judea by Jordan (10:1)
• first prophecy in 8:31-34 and reaction
• second prophecy of 9:31-32 and reaction
• moving towards Jerusalem and the intrepid leadership of Jesus
• “The Saviour, what a noble flame was kindled in His breast, when, hasting to Jerusalem, He marched before the rest!” (Cowper)
• third prophecy of 10:32-34 and reaction

3. A Selfish Request (35-37)

• what James and John got right
• staking a claim for the place of honor (Matt. 19:28, 20:20)

4. The Cup and the Baptism of Jesus (38-40)

• taken to task by the Master
• drink cup: get one’s fill of suffering (Psa. 75:8, Mark 14:36, John 18:11)
• baptized with baptism: immersion in suffering (Psa. 42:7, Luke 12:50)
• adjudication and qualification (Matt. 20:23)

5. Reaction and Response (41-45)

• indignant disciples
• reference to Gentile “lording”
• different measurement of true greatness
• deacon and bondslave
• grounding principle: service and sacrifice of Jesus

6. So What?

• Only as you are served by Jesus can you serve others in His name.
• Move beyond the idea of inspiring example to enabling sacrifice.
• Let the direction of your life be determined by the destined glory of Jesus.
• Grasp the principle of gospel humility: “…not about feeding my ego but feeding the faith of others.” (Piper)


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