Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 21, 2019

Easter Message

“An Easter Benediction”   Hebrews 13:20-21   Bible Study   04/21/19

This morning, as we celebrate the living hope of all who rely on Jesus, we will turn our attention to the glorious benediction at the close of the book of Hebrews.

1. Consider the Context

• big picture of Hebrews: Jesus is greater…
• 13:1-8: Jesus Christ the same…
• 13:9-16: the sacrifice of praise and bearing His reproach outside the camp
• 13:17: responding to human shepherds
• 13:18-19: author’s request for prayer

2. Bask in the Benediction (20-21)

• a “good word”
• structure: invocation, amplification and doxology
• …God of peace…
• brought again from the dead…the great shepherd of the sheep… (Isa. 63:11-14)
• by the blood of the eternal covenant (Jer. 31:33, Zech. 9:11, Heb. 13:12, 1 Pet. 1:19-20)
• …equip…working…pleasing…through Jesus Christ
• …glory forever. Amen.

3. So What?

• The resurrection of the Great Shepherd from the dead is the hinge on which every hope of His sheep hangs.
• He who laid down His life for you will never let you down.
• two key Easter benefits: confidence and conformity
• “The sheep get the joy. The Shepherd gets the glory.” (Piper)
• “Morning breaks upon the tomb! Jesus dissipates its gloom! Day of triumph through the skies, see the glorious Saviour rise! Christians, dry your flowing tears; Chase those unbelieving fears; Look on his deserted grave; Doubt no more his power to save.” (W. Collyer)


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