Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 14, 2019

“A Glimpse of Glory”   Mark 9:1-13   Bible Study   04/14/19

This morning we will focus on the event known as the transfiguration of Jesus. Also recorded in Luke 9:28-36 and Matthew 17:1-13, this event, as recorded by Mark, comes on the heels of Jesus having foretold His impending death and resurrection. Mark 8:31-38 indicates that the life of a disciple inevitably calls for sacrifice and suffering. What follows in our passage is the reminder regarding another side of discipleship. With an almost tantalizing brevity, Mark’s account indicates that the life of a disciple looks forward to seeing and sharing in the glory of Jesus.

1. Considering the Context (1-2)

• reference of verse 1 and connection to 8:31-38
• after 6 days, Peter/James/John, mountain, transfiguration
• seeing the power and glory of the Kingdom in an altogether new way
• “…foretaste of glory divine.”

2. Observations about the Transfiguration (3-8)

• transfigured-“metamorphosed”
• exceeding “whiteness” of the clothing of Jesus
• appearance and conversation with Moses and Elijah-“exodus” (Luke 9:31)
• Peter’s desire to make “three tents” and its implications
• overshadowing cloud and the voice out of it
• timeless verification and command
• Jesus only

3. Understanding the Transfiguration (9-13)

• descending, He instructed…
• question about Elijah
• slow to understand
• response to Elijah a foreshadowing of the response to Jesus-rejection
• Peter’s later perspective (2 Peter 1:17-19)

4. So What?

• You grasp something of the glory of Jesus now only as you listen to the Father’s testimony concerning Him.
• “A Christ without a cross is a king without a throne. If our ministry is to have power, it must all center in the death for the world’s sins.” (Maclaren)
• “I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place; I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of His face; Content to let the world go by, to know no gain nor loss, my sinful self my only shame, my glory all the cross.” (E. Clephane)


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