Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 31, 2019

“Utterly Trustworthy”   Mark 6:1-56   Bible Study   03/31/19

In Mark 6, we are presented with several “snapshots” of the public ministry of Jesus as it soars in popularity. However, in this same chapter we also may observe some indications of the rising tide of opposition to the identity and authority of Jesus. With his fast-paced commentary, Mark answers two key questions regarding Jesus: 1) Who is Jesus? and 2) Can this Jesus be trusted? His affirmation of the identity and utter trustworthiness of Jesus continues to assure and encourage current readers of his gospel.

1. Unbelief at Nazareth (1-6a)

• return visit to Nazareth (Luke 2:51)
• engagement in Kingdom work
• amazement of the people
• opposition of the people
• impact of opposition
• response of Jesus

2. The 12 Sent Out (6b-13)

• moving on to spread the good news
• distinction between fearless perseverance and foolish persistence
• sent with authority
• minimum of personal supplies/urgency of message
• shaking off contracted contamination

3. Death of John the Baptist and Herod’s Self-Indulgence (14-29)

4. Jesus as the Faithful Shepherd (30-44)

• return of disciples and instruction to rest
• compassion on the crowd
• feeding of 5000 (Ezek. 34:23, Ex. 18:21, Psa. 23:2)
• Mark’s “delayed” answer

5. Jesus Walks on Water (45-52)

• abrupt transition and its explanation
• alone to pray
• the 3:00 a.m. test
• It is I
• hardness of heart and glory of the Master

6. Ministering to Endless Needs (53-56)

• from the fourth watch of the night to the heat of the noonday sun

7. So What?

• Because Jesus is utterly trustworthy, entrust yourself to His compassionate care.
• Recognize that nearness to Jesus can be both delightful and dangerous.
• Maximize the message and minimize the messenger.
• See John 10:11!
• “Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, but yet in love He sought me, and on His shoulder gently laid, and home, rejoicing, brought me. And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise within Thy house forever.” (H. Baker)


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