Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 24, 2019
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“Called Out and Raised Up” Mark 5:21-43 Bible Study 03/24/19
This morning we will turn our attention to a text which dramatically demonstrates the dynamic power of Jesus over disease and death. As He did in chapter 3, Mark again employs the “split-screen” technique to tell the story of the earthly ministry of Jesus. We also can observe the continued emphasis of the twin themes of the identity and authority of Jesus. He remains today the Great Physician who calls out and raises up desperate people.
1. Reviewing the Context
• Mark 4: sower 1-20, lamp/basket 21-25, seed 26-29, mustard seed 30-34, calms storm 36-41
• Mark 5: healing of demon-possessed man
• authority over creation, demons, disease, death
• setting for 5:21-43: back across the sea and crowds
2. A Desperate Synagogue Ruler (22-24)
• approach and appeal of Jairus
• 12 year-old daughter near death (see verse 42)
• the accessibility and availability of Jesus
• the crowd-again
3. A Desperate Diseased Woman (25-34)
• illness for 12 years
• drained of financial and physical strength
• a desperate touch and an immediate healing
• the perception of Jesus and dismay of disciples
• the woman’s admission
• the pronouncement of Jesus
4. The Deliverance of a Desperate Man’s Daughter (35-43)
• notification of her death
• two commands from Jesus
• Peter, James and John
• death/sleep connection
• ridicule of mourners
• words and touch of Jesus
• miraculous restoration and strict charge
5. So What?
• Ponder the glorious “preview.”
• Because He is authoritatively compassionate, trust Jesus to call out and raise up the desperate.
• In the midst of your utter helplessness, trust Jesus to be who He is and to do what He does.
• Remember that “interruptions” don’t affect Jesus. He is Lord of time and eternity.
• Respond with gratitude to the Great Physician!
• Go into peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)