Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 17, 2019

“The Real Deal”   Mark 3:20-35   Bible Study   03/17/19

This morning our text continues to build on the twin themes of the identity and authority of Jesus. Because of His identity, He has authority over all things-including creation, disease, the devil and death.

1. Considering the Context

• Mark 2: call of Matthew 13-17, fasting question 18-22, sabbath question 23-28
• Mark 3: healing 1-6, followed by crowd 7-12, calling of disciples 13-18
• the “split screen” effect in 3:20-35

2. Scene 1: Concern in the Family Circle (20-21)

• home (Capernaum 2:1) and crowd
• family concern and assessment

3. Scene 2: Jewish Theologians Oppose Jesus (22-30)

• the charge: demon-possession and casting out of demons
• refutation: exposure of logical incoherence
• explanation: a ministry of destruction and deliverance (Heb. 2:14-15)
• application: a sober warning regarding the “unpardonable sin”
• evaluation: mad, bad or divine?

4. Scene 3: Clarification about the Family Circle (31-35)

• seeking family members
• unexpected response
• the will of God and identification with Jesus (1 John 5:3)

5. So What?

• When you submit to the authority of Jesus, doing His will becomes your ultimate objective.
• Pray for a tender and teachable sensitivity.
• “May the living God, who is the portion and rest of the saints, make these our carnal minds so spiritual, and our earthly hearts so heavenly, that loving Him, and delighting in Him, may be the work of our lives.” (R. Baxter)
• “Jesus, of Thee shall be my song. To Thee my heart and soul belong. All that I have or am is Thine. And Thou, blest Savior, Thou art mine. Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore. O make me love Thee more and more.” (Henry Collins)


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