Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 3, 2019

“As One with Authority”   Mark 1:1-20   Bible Study   03/03/19

1. Overview of Mark’s Gospel

• writer: John Mark (Acts 12-13; Col. 4:10), connection to Peter
• recipients: Gentile audience (7:3-4, 5:41)
• date: first of the four gospels written (50-60)
• central message: 10:45
• character: “action” gospel, uses “immediately” at least 40 times
• first section: authority revealed (1:1-3:6)

2. Orientation to Authority (1-8)

• concise summary
• gospel as fulfillment of OT prophecy (Mal. 3:1 and Isa. 40:3)
• role of John the Baptist (2 Kings 1:8)

3. Verification of Authority (9-11)

• baptism: identification with humanity
• visible verification
• audible verification (Psa. 2:7 and Isa. 42:1)
• trinitarian symmetry

4. Fortification of Authority (12-13)

• driven by the Spirit into wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11 and Heb. 4:15)
• 40 days: testing/judgment
• with wild animals
• ministered to by angels

5. Articulation of Authority (14-15)

• beginning of ministry in Galilee after John’s imprisonment (6:17-29)
• time fulfilled, kingdom of God, repent and believe, good news

6. Initiation of Authority (16-20)

• Simon, Andrew, James and John
• follow me…fishers of men
• mending/equipping

7. So What?

• Because Jesus is God’s Messiah and is endowed with all authority, follow Him confidently and completely.
• Let Scripture, not sentiment, shape your view of Jesus.
• Celebrate and submit to His authority!
• “Take up thy cross and follow Me, I heard my Master say. I gave my life to ransom thee. Surrender your all today…” (B. B. McKinney)


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