Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 18, 2018

Thanksgiving Message

“A Psalm for Thanksgiving 2018”   Psalm 145:1-21   Bible Study   11/18/18

I. Introduction

• psalm of David
• acrostic: successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet
• a praise pile-up
• who God is and what God does

II. Intention to Praise 1-7

• activity
• intimacy
• frequency
• continuity
• intensity

III. Ascriptions of Praise 8-20

• gracious and merciful
• good to all
• faithful and kind
• upholds and raises up
• righteous
• near
• preserves

IV. Extent of Praise 21

• all
• forever
• Rev. 5:11-14

V. So What?

• “Through all eternity to Thee, a joyful song I’ll raise; but oh, eternity is too short to utter all Thy praise!” (Adam Clarke)
• This Thanksgiving: Because of His unsearchable and unspeakable greatness, seize the privilege of praising God for who He is and what He does.


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