Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 28, 2018

“The Word and You”   James 1:19-27   Bible Study   10/28/18

-connection to verse 18 and “…word of truth…”
-remember Eutychus in Acts 20
-Because God’s Word is the source and standard for Christian living, receive it attentively and respond to it obediently.

I. Receive the Word (19-21)

• a “triple duty” in verse 19
• a needed reminder in verse 20
• key command in verse 21: “Having…receive…”
• two descriptive terms in verse 21: “meekness” and “implanted”

II. Respond to the Word (22-27)

• hearing must be followed by obedience
• the “mirror” of the Word
• the “wrong” way in verses 23-24
• the “right” way in verse 25
• avoiding self-deception
• three important words: control, care and cleanliness
• insights from Psalm 119:9, 11, 36-37, 103


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