Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 7, 2018

“In Step with the Spirit”   Galatians 5:13-26   Bible Study   10/07/18

This morning we will focus on the second of two key teaching units in Galatians 5. In 5:1-12, Paul urges his readers to stand firm in the freedom that comes only through faith in Jesus. In 5:13-26, he continues the freedom theme with an emphasis on staying “in step” with the Holy Spirit. When believers live in constant dependence on the Holy Spirit, they experience true freedom.

I. Context/Review of 5:1-12

• instruction: stand firm and avoid entanglement (1)
• admonition: heed the warning regarding circumcision (2-6)
• assessment: consider the apostolic perspective (7-12)

II. Serve one another through love (13-14)

• reminder of call to freedom
• proper stewardship of freedom
• keep on serving (Lev. 19:18)

III. Watch out for the consequence of destructive behavior (15)

• if you keep on biting and devouring…
• “cannibalizing” Christians

IV. Walk in the Spirit continually (16-25)

• command followed by a promise
• flesh/Spirit opposition
• Spirit/law contrast
• works of the flesh: sexual/religious/social realms (19-21a)
• practitioners have no inheritance… (21b)
• the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit (22-23)
• assertion: society needs no protection from the fruit of the Spirit
• crucified flesh/in step with the Spirit

V. Avoid conceit (26)

• boastful arrogance or dependent humility?

VI. So What?

• When believers live in constant dependence on the Holy Spirit, they experience true freedom.
• “No man walking in the Spirit ever ‘bites the dust.’” (J. MacGorman)
• “Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.” (Daniel Iverson, 1926)


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