Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 23, 2018

“No Turning Back”   Galatians 3:26-4:11   Bible Study   09/23/18

This morning we will focus on the rich content of Galatians 3:26-4:11. After affirming the foundational fact that believers are all “one in Christ Jesus,” Paul proceeds to remind his readers of the accomplishment of Christ at the cross which secures their sonship and the activity of the Spirit who is sent by God into their hearts to assure it. With such status and riches at their disposal, readers then and now must understand that there can be “no turning back.” Because your identification with Jesus makes you a son, rest in His sufficiency and press on by faith.

I. Summary of 3:15-25

• confirmation of the priority of promise over law (15-18)
• clarification of the role of law (19-25)

II. The application of the gospel supplies equality of sonship (26-29)

• no longer under a “guardian”
• note the pronoun shift from verse 25 to verse 26
• sons of God through faith
• language of baptism
• one in Christ: ethnic/social/sexual
• Abraham’s offspring

III. The accomplishment of Jesus secures our sonship (1-5)

• administration of the law
• Christ sent in the “fullness” of time
• …to redeem…that we might receive adoption…

IV. The activity of the Spirit assures our sonship (6-11)

• Abba! Father! : intimacy
• note the Trinitarian “symmetry”
• sons and heirs
• formerly…now…how? (note Gal. 5:10)

V. So What?

• Because your identification with Jesus makes you a son, rest in His sufficiency and press on in faith.
• Remember that the ground is level at the foot of the cross.
• “No turning back” is an appropriate admonition for every stage of Christian experience.
• Relish your status as a son and heir.
• “I once was an outcast stranger on earth, a sinner by choice, an alien by birth, but I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down, an heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown. I’m a child of the King, a child of the King: with Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.” (H. Buell, 1877)


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