Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 9, 2018

“Nip It in the Bud!”   Galatians 2:11-21   Bible Study   09/09/18

This morning we will continue our study of Galatians with an examination of Paul’s public confrontation of Peter and the theological reflection following it. This text is particularly powerful and significant because it includes both a practical application of the gospel of grace and the theological foundation which undergirds it.

I. Background/Context

• Paul’s “testimony” 1:1-17
• First Jerusalem visit 1:18-24
• Second Jerusalem visit 2:1-10
• Antioch: center of Gentile mission
• Precedes Jerusalem Council of Acts 15

II. Condemnation of behavior inconsistent with the gospel (11-14)

• Peter’s “separation”
• Paul’s public confrontation
• the “wideness” of God’s mercy

III. Affirmation of the doctrine of justification by faith (15-16)

• shift to the third person (we)
• repetition of “justified”
• the “law” and “grace” connection

IV. Identification with the Crucified Christ (17-21)

• a question expecting a negative answer
• responding to the Judaizer’s distortion of the law
• crucified with Christ
• cross of Christ: not gratuitous

V. So What?

• Passion for God and His gospel should lead you to confront the tendency of yielding to the pressure of the approval of others.
• Do not silently assent to the scandalizing of the body.
• When you begin to grasp the wonder God’s way of saving sinners, you want to live a life of complete surrender and conscious celebration.
• “Run, John, run, the law commands, but gives us neither feet nor hands. Far better news the gospel brings: It bids us fly and gives us wings.” (J. Bunyan)
• “For the love of God is broader than the measures of the mind. And the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.” (F. Faber)


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