Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 26, 2018

Guest Speaker: Dr. Gary Timmons

“Salvation through Costly Sacrifice”   2 Samuel 24:1-25   Bible Study 08/26/18

I. Introduction

II. King David’s Nonsensical Census, vv. 1-9

• Yahweh’s anger (again) against Israel, v. 1a
• The agent and means of that anger, vv.1b-2
• Census-taking not always sinful, cf. Num. 1:2; 26:2
• Clues to David’s wrongful census, vv. 3; cf. 1 Chron. 21:6; Exod. 30:11-16

III. King David’s Repentance and Yahweh’s Discipline, vv. 10-17

• David’s smitten conscience and confession of sin, v.10 (cf. 1 Samuel 24:5)
• David’s choice of Yahweh’s sovereign mercy, vv. 11-14

IV. Yahweh’s judgment of David and Israel, vv. 15-17

• Comprehensive pestilence (Dan-Beersheba) up to Jerusalem, v. 16
• King David’s confession and substitutionary plea for the sheep, v.17

V. Salvation through Costly Sacrifice, vv. 18-25

• Costly sacrifice purchased, atoning sacrifice offered with divine approval, and judgment averted.

VI. So What?

• At the place where Abraham once held the knife over his son (Gen 22:1-19), David sees the angel of the Lord with sword ready to plunge into Jerusalem. In both cases, death is averted by sacrifice. Dillard, “David’s Census,” (1985, 107).
• Michael Wilcock adds: “The threshing-floor of Araunah becomes the place of divine wrath and divine mercy—foreshadowing the cross of Christ….” The Message of Chronicles, pp. 95-96. Cf. 1 Chron. 21:28-22:1; 2 Chron. 3:1; Gen. 22:2; Romans 8:32.
• “…Samuel ends with a picture of a future King whose sacrifice for sin saves the kingdom.” B. K. Waltke, An OT Theology, p. 678.


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