Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 19, 2018

“A Safe Kingdom and A Sad King”   2 Samuel 18:1-19:8   Bible Study   08/19/18

This morning we will return to our studies in 2 Samuel with a focus on Absalom’s downfall, his father David’s devastation and the Lord’s determination to preserve His king and kingdom. As we have done with previous passages, we again will note how the narration of the “David” story points ahead and forward to the story and ultimate triumph of David’s king.

I. Overview

• the narrator’s focus: downfall of Absalom and devastation of David
• the character presentation: Absalom is central, Joab is dominant, David is passive
• the ironic twists: things happen that should not happen

II. Directions from David (1-5)

• after events of 17:24-29
• deal gently…

III. Downfall of Absalom (6-18)

• brief battle synopsis
• detailed description of Absalom’s downfall
• the tree and the pit
• sobering reminder

IV. Drama of Two Messengers (19-32)

• Ahimaaz “stories”
• Cushite tells the complete “story”

V. Dropping the Truth-Bomb on David (19:33-19:8)

• impact of David’s grief
• reality-therapy for David
• grasping the depth of David’s grief (12:10)
• paradox: safe kingdom and sad king
• sovereignty over sentimentality

VI. So What?

• Because the preservation of God’s kingdom involves the perishing of its enemies, declare your loyalty now to His King and depend on Him to preserve you.
• connection to Christ: anointed and suffering King with a key distinction (Isa. 25:8; Rev. 21:4)
• “For me it was in the garden he prayed, ‘Not my will, but Thine,’ He shed no tears for His own griefs, but sweat-drops of blood for mine. How marvelous! How wonderful! and my song shall ever be; How marvelous! How wonderful! is my Savior’s love to me!” (C. Gabriel)


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