Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 12, 2018

Guest Speaker: Dr. David Norman

1 Peter 1:1–2

This morning’s lesson breaks down the first two verses of 1 Peter. Written to believers sojourning in a foreign land, this passage reminds us that this world is not our home.

I. We are chosen “according to the foreknowledge of God the Father”

• Gr. prognosis = lit. “to know before”
• Our salvation begins with God, not with ourselves
• If you are in Christ, there was never a time when you weren’t the object of God’s affection.

II. We are chosen “through the sanctifying work of the Spirit”

• Led by the Spirit
• Moved by the Spirit

III. We are chosen “to be obedient and to be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ”

• The purpose of our salvation
• No one brings a list of conditions to the altar
• A covenant established

Peter’s letter offered words of encouragement to a scattered and suffering church. Their encouragement was not because of anything in themselves, but rather because of what God has done. May his words comfort us as we keep our eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storms.


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