Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 29, 2018

“All the King’s Enemies”   2 Samuel 16:1-23   Bible Study   07/29/18

This morning we turn again to the aftermath of David’s sin with Bathsheba and the rebellion of his own son against him. While 2 Samuel 15 includes three encounters with David’s friends, 2 Samuel 16 focuses on three of the king’s enemies. In this chapter we will observe that, even as he is in the presence of his enemies, David has not been abandoned by the sovereign King and Promise-Keeper.

I. Introduction

• from 3 friends to three enemies
• David as King: sinner, sufferer and appointed servant

II. Ziba: the opportunistic manipulator (1-4)

• servant of Mephibosheth
• deceptive approach
• slanderous account
• asset transfer
• not loyalty to God’s king but greed for his own gain

III. Shimei: the verbal abuser (5-14)

• descendant of Saul
• ancient trash-talker
• issue: perceived “mistreatment” of Saul’s house
• Abishai’s response
• David’s response: confidence in God’s character
• reversing the curse (Gal. 3:13)

IV. Ahithopel: the calculating betrayer (15-23)

• former counsel to David and “Judas Iscariot of the OT”
• Hushai’s words and Absalom’s assumption
• Ahithopel’s advice and Absalom’s action: fulfillment of 2 Samuel 12:11-12
• intended overthrow/execution of God’s word (1 Cor. 11:23 and Rom. 8:32)

V. So What?

• Because God is in control and cares for His own, confide in Him when opposition comes.
• “His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o’er earth and heav’n…” (C. Wesley)
• Stake your life on the stability of God’s kingdom plan.
• Find consolation in the character of God.


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