Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 22, 2018

Guest Speaker: Dr. David Norman

When We See Him for Who He Is
Luke 5:1–11

This morning’s lesson considers Luke’s narrative of the calling of the first disciples. In it, we see the manner in which Simon Peter, James, and John responded when they first saw Jesus as who he was. Seeing him like that changed everything.

I. We listen to his voice (v. 1–3)

Here, but not all there

II. We obey his command (v. 4–7)

Teacher? Or Master?
Even when it doesn’t make sense
Even when it doesn’t work out for us

III. We worship in awe (v. 8–10a)

Staggered by his glory

IV. We cherish following him (v. 10b–11)

The catch of a lifetime, left by the shore
From full boats to empty hands

Until we see him as he his, we can keep him at arm’s length. But when we catch a glimpse of his majesty, we—like Simon Peter—cannot help but listen to his voice, obey his command, fall at his feet in worship, and leap at the opportunity to follow him. In short, it changes everything.


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