Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 15, 2018

“A Foe, A Flight and Faith”   2 Samuel 15:1-37   Bible Study   07/15/18

This morning we will focus on the rebellion of Absalom, David’s son, and David’s response to it. 2 Samuel 15 may be divided into two distinct sections. The first highlights the selfish ambition of Absalom in seeking to usurp the throne of his father. The second section focuses on David as the rightful king who, though flawed, experiences God’s sustaining grace and exercises saving faith. This chapter is a potent reminder that the light of God’s superintending presence still shines in the darkest of days.

I. Context and Setting (2 Samuel 14)

• Absalom returns to Jerusalem (14:23)
• no gratitude for reprieve
• no remorse for murder (14:32)
• received by the king (14:33)

II. Absalom: Conspiracy and Consequences (1-12)

• acquisition of chariot and horses (1)
• involvement in judicial matters (2-6)
• rebellion cloaked in religiosity (7-12)
• back to the revelation of 12:10-12: fulfillment

III. David: Flight and Faith (13-37)

• time to flee (13-17)
• gift that supports faith: Ittai (18-23)
• submission that frees faith: Zadok (24-29)
• providence that encourages faith: Hushai (30-37)

IV. So What?

• Because God is gracious and sovereign, you can trust Him to sustain you in life’s darkest days.
• Heed the warning and the comfort: no person escapes ultimate accountability to God.
• “The key to restoration is not Yahweh’s furniture but Yahweh’s favor.” (D. R. Davis)
• You can count on God’s unfailing grace even in the midst of failure’s consequences.
• Rest in the finished work of the ultimate rightful King. (17:30; Luke 19:37-44)
• Faith really is the victory!


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