Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 8, 2018

“The Message of A Massive Mess”   2 Samuel 13:1-39   Bible Study   07/08/18

This morning we turn our attention to 2 Samuel 13. This chapter’s account of scheming, conniving, lust, rape, hate and murder indicates the reality of a massive mess. Yet, Romans 15:4 reminds us that even a mess may be instructive for us. When the Lord’s word and character are despised, disaster is on its way. Our only hope and way out of the mess are the goodness and generosity of the God who saves (Titus 3:3-4).

I. Abhorrence of Sin

• Amnon schemes for Tamar (1-6)
• Amnon violates Tamar (7-14)
• Amnon rejects Tamar (15-19)

II. Observation of Sinners

• Amnon: passion without love (1-2, 10-17)
• Jonadab: skill without integrity (3-5, 32-35)
• David: anger without justice (21)
• Absalom: hatred without restraint (20-39)

III. Acknowledgment of God’s Sovereignty

• key for understanding 2 Samuel 13: the text of 2 Samuel 12:10-12
• assurance that keeps us sane

IV. So What?

• Knowing that, left to yourself, you are a hopeless sinner, anchor your hope in the goodness and generosity of the God who saves.
• A text on “what not to do”
• “Foul, I to the fountain fly. Wash me, Savior, or I die.” (A. Toplady)
• “The greatest need of my people is my personal holiness.” (R. McCheyne)


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