Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 1, 2018

“Gripped by Grace”   2 Samuel 12:1-31   Bible Study   07/01/18

This morning we will focus our attention on 2 Samuel 12 and its account of the aftermath of David’s adulterous and murderous behavior. This chapter offers a stark contrast to the narrative of the preceding chapter. In 2 Samuel 11, David dominates the action until he crashes into the standard of Yahweh’s righteousness (11:27). In chapter 12, Yahweh and His word dominate the action. While there is retribution, punishment and judgment for David, there is also grace (undeserved, unmerited favor). There was hope for David and there is hope for us. This hope rests in the gracious character of the Lord.

I. Grace that pursues (1a)

• the signal of “sent”
• Yahweh: not a passive spectator

II. Grace that confronts (1b-7a)

• Nathan’s story: 2 men, description, deed
• David’s religious and judicial response
• You are the man!
• the genius of grace: amazing and smart!

III. Grace that convicts (7b-12)

• itemization of grace to David: repetition of “I”
• specification of David’s sin
• judgment on David’s sin
• double use of “despised”

IV. Grace that delivers (13-15a)

• David’s brief confession
• David receives forgiveness
• consequence of sin: death of son

V. Grace that grips (15b-25)

• David fasts, child dies, David worships and eats
• David acknowledges the Lord’s gracious nature
• David’s expression of hope (Psa. 16:8-11)
• birth of Solomon

VI. Grace that clarifies (26-31)

• conflict with Ammon won
• real battle lost
• lifting our eyes to the true King

VII. So What?

• The Lord’s unmatched fidelity and amazing grace call for a response of broken-hearted joy.
• “Our treachery only appears truly hideous when it is viewed against the fidelity it has despised.” (D. R. Davis)
• To despise the Lord’s word is to despise the Lord.
• “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.” (Newton)
• Do not lose the “goosebumps” on your soul!


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