Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 24, 2018

“A King, A Fling and the Last Thing”   2 Samuel 11:1-27   Bible Study   06/24/18

This morning we return to our study of 2 Samuel and the sordid account of David’s adulterous activity with Bathsheba and his subsequent cover-up. The complete narrative of the David/Bathsheba event covers two entire chapters in 2 Samuel (11-12). In chapter 11, we will observe that the inspired narrator appears to do all he can to keep the spotlight and responsibility on David.

I. Setting (1)

• part of a larger narrative
• shift from course of war to course of human character
• war with Ammon and a king who stayed home
• contrast of 1:1-5 with 9:1-3 and 10:1-2: absence of “hesed”

II. David and Bathsheba (2-5)

• fallen servant (1 Sam. 13:14; 16:1-13)
• the view from the verbs: a royal deed of self-indulgence
• Bathsheba’s two words: the secret hits a snag

III. David and Uriah (6-13)

• Uriah the Hittite: a trusted servant (23:39)
• David’s intent and Uriah’s integrity

IV. David and Joab (14-25)

• a message to Joab: the military commander
• an arranged liquidation
• a case of royal rationalization

V. David and Yahweh (26-27)

• the wife of Uriah
• “…it was evil to the LORD.”
• “silence”: not an indication of absence

VI. So What?

• Because you are not immune to moral failure, acknowledge your accountability and prize your proximity to the LORD.
• Understand that the Kingdom is not safe in any hands except those of Him who rules with perfect righteousness and justice-Jesus Christ.
• “Oh, to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be. Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above.” (R. Robinson)


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