Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 27, 2018

“Dealing with the Unplucked Thorn”   2 Corinthians 12:7-10
  Bible Study   05/27/18

This morning we turn our attention to perhaps the most well-known passage in 2 Corinthians. This passage recounts Paul’s thorn-in-the-flesh experience. Throughout 2 Corinthians, and specifically in its last four chapters, Paul defends his apostolic ministry against the charges of the so-called “super-apostles” (see 12:11). These false teachers question his credentials and motivations as an apostle. One subtle insinuation of his opponents is that, if he were really an apostle, then he would have been exempted from the afflictions and sufferings he experienced. However, rather than disassociating himself from his sufferings, Paul embraces them as a means of magnifying the grace and power of God. Because the Lord specializes in displaying His strength against the backdrop of your weakness, you can rejoice in the midst of your unplucked thorn.

I. Context

• Paul’s mindset (11:30)
• let down in a basket (11:33)
• visions/revelations (12:1-7)

II. Recognize the Lord’s Purpose (7)

• so that I would not exalt myself
• thorn in the flesh
• messenger of Satan
• torment/buffet

III. Receive the Lord’s Provision (8-9a)

• repeated request for permanent removal
• final answer: not thorn removal but grace sufficiency
• power “completed” in weakness

IV. Rejoice in the Lord’s Power (9b-10)

• glad boasting
• that power may “tent” in me
• strength in weakness

V. So What?

• Because the Lord specializes in displaying His strength against the backdrop of your weakness, you can rejoice in the midst of your unplucked thorn.
• “If dependence is the objective, then weakness is an advantage.” (A. Begg)
• “We can only know the power that He holds when we truly see how deep our weakness goes. His strength in us begins where ours comes to an end. He hears our humble cry and proves again…” (Salley/Chapman)
• There is no incompatibility between the thorn-room and the throne-room (13:4).


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