Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 13, 2018

“Compelled by Love”   2 Corinthians 5:11-15   Bible Study 05/13/18

2 Corinthians is Paul’s most personal letter. It includes his apostolic defense in response to so-called “super apostles” who questioned his authority and sought to discredit his motives. As we come to our text this morning, Paul discloses to the reader his heart and motivation. He is driven by an ongoing and future hope that is rooted in the love of Jesus. After a discourse that includes the topics of the believer’s heavenly dwelling and his anticipation of ultimate accountability (5:1-10), Paul lays out the facts concerning the essence and exercise of his apostolic ministry (5:11-6:10). In 5:11-15, we discover what “drives” Paul. The driving force of the believer’s life is the love of Jesus uniquely demonstrated in the cross.

-Why live the Christian life?
-What key principles indicate that the love of Jesus “drives” us?

I. Dread displeasing Jesus (11)

• awareness of accountability
• attempting to persuade
• object of approval

II. Disown pleasing self (12-13)

• external credentials or internal condition?
• what it’s not about:
• from disowning practice to dominating principle

III. Discern the compelling love of Jesus (14-15)

• controlled by Christ’s love for us
• grounded in a doctrinal conviction about His cross (death, burial and resurrection)
• living for Jesus: the only thing to “die for”

IV. So What?

• The driving force of the believer’s life is the love of Jesus uniquely demonstrated in the cross.
• Ponder the “bomb” and the “balm.”
• Eagerly embrace the concept of the “fear” of the Lord.
• “Wonderful it is that Jesus cares for me, Coming from His home on high, Into pain and sorrow, poverty and woe, On Calv’ry’s cruel cross for me to die. Oh, what love, that He should die for me! Saving grace thus to supply for me; Oh, what love! Oh, what love! Evermore I’ll sing it-Oh, what love! (W. Runyan, 1943).


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