Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 11, 2018

“For the Sake of the Gospel” Acts 22:1-29 Bible Study 02/11/18

Our text this morning recounts Paul’s determination to go to Jerusalem and the opposition that he encountered there upon his arrival. It also includes his powerful articulation of the gospel’s transforming power and reflects his steadfast commitment to exalt the name of the Lord Jesus at all costs.

I. Background/Context

-determination to go to Jerusalem (21:1-17)
-meeting with church leaders and their proposal (21:18-26)
-arrest in the Temple (21:27-36)
-request to address the people (21:37-40)

II. Paul Asserts His Jewish Identity (1-5)

-defense in Aramaic
-emphasis on Jewish credentials
-persecution of the Way
-connection to Philippians 3:7-11

III. Paul Affirms His Life-Changing Encounter (6-16)

-light on the way to Damascus
-the Lord’s call: note the repetition
-question from Paul
-strategic role of Ananias
-commission clarified: to all people

IV. Paul Explains His Assignment (17-21)

-three years after his conversion
-vision in the Temple
-far away to the Gentiles (Acts 2:39, Ephesians 2:17)

V. Paul Experiences Rejection and Protection (22-29)

-desire to “wipe him out”
-protection through appeal to Roman citizenship

VI. So What?

-Because the gospel matters most, communicate it clearly at all costs and leave the results to the Lord.
-Before a holy God, heritage without Jesus is a pile of rubbish.
-Refuse to let your obedience be contingent on an anticipated positive outcome.
-Extend the transforming power of Jesus to all people.


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