Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 4, 2018
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“Paul’s Parting Shot” Acts 20:17-38 Bible Study 02/04/18
As we come to our text this morning, we find Paul hurrying to reach Jerusalem by the Day of Pentecost. Seven weeks separated Pentecost from Passover, which he had spent in Philippi. Later, having sailed past Ephesus, Paul came to Miletus. From there, he summoned the elders of the church of Ephesus. What follows is what one might term the “super bowl’ of apostolic farewells. In this farewell address, Paul highlights the Lord’s prevailing providence and the sustaining power of His word.
I. Paul Reflects on His Recent Past (18-21)
-serving with humility, tears and trials
-relaying the word in public and in private
-repentance and faith to both Jews and Greeks
II. Paul Anticipates His Immediate Future (22-24)
-to Jerusalem
-constrained by the Holy Spirit
-impending imprisonment and afflictions
-completing the received ministry
-testifying to the gospel of the grace of God
III. Paul Delivers a Charge to the Elders (25-31)
-will not see them again
-Paul the “watchman” (Ezek. 3:18-19)
-“not shrink” for the second time
-pay attention
-be alert
IV. Paul Leaves the Elders in the Best Hands (32-35)
-prevailing providence of God
-sustaining word of God
-the blessing of giving
V. Paul Concludes the Meeting with Prayer (36-38)
-kneeling on the promises
-weeping on the premises
VI. So What?
-Regardless of earthly circumstances, the Lord remains with His own and sustains them through His word.
-Remember that our message is not our own. It is God’s and it has urgent life and death consequences.
-Model the self-forgetting urgency of Paul that focuses on the spiritual well-being of others.
-“Send us strength, oh, Pilgrim Guide, Sin would drown us in its tide, Be close at hand and go before, As we sail to heaven’s shore.” (P. McHugh)