Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 7, 2018

“Lessons from a Philippian Jail”   Acts 16:22-40   Bible Study   01/07/18

In Acts 16, Luke records a series of events which occurred in Philippi in the midst of Paul’s second missionary journey. These events, while reminding us of the many ways we may be instruments for gospel influence, underscore a constant and prevailing theme in the book of Acts. That theme centers in the ongoing supernatural work of God, through the Holy Spirit, in protecting and propelling His church forward in the face of obstacles and opposition. Whether the human subject is a woman like Lydia, a demon-possessed slave girl, or a Gentile jailer, we may observe the purpose and plan of God coming into an ever-increasing focus. As we launch out into the opportunities of a new year, our text offers both strong encouragement and sobering challenge.

I. Incarceration (22-24)

• an incited mob
• response of the magistrates
• maximum security jail sentence for Paul and Silas

II. Intervention (25-28)

• midnight prayer and hymns
• listening prisoners
• earthquake: shaken foundations, opened doors, loosened chains
• a suicidal jailer
• a reassuring word from Paul

III. Interrogation (29-32)

• trembling before Paul and Silas
• a question about eternal life
• straight talk from Paul
• the word of the Lord for the household

IV. Indication (33-34)

• compassion from a jailer
• from belief to baptism
• table fellowship

V. Vindication (35-40)

• proposed release from prison
• Paul invokes Roman citizenship
• apology and release
• encouraging the brothers

VI. So What?

• Because the Lord’s intent is to build His church, anticipate His activity and maximize your witness where you are.
• “The church shall never perish! Her dear Lord to defend, to guide, sustain, and cherish, is with her to the end; tho’ there be those who hate her and false sons in her pale, against the foe or traitor she ever will prevail.” (S. J. Stone)


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