Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 31, 2017

“Providential Progress” Acts 15:36-41; 16:1-5 Bible Study 12/31/17

Our text this morning addresses events after Paul’s first missionary journey and the separation of Paul and Barnabas preceding Paul’s second missionary journey. Luke’s historical account reminds us of at least two important principles. First, God uses human instruments in the objective of gospel expansion and these human instruments are not always “on the same page.” Second, God is quite able to superintend scenes that seem counter-productive to His plans and transform them into concrete cases of gospel progress.

I. The Parting of Ways (36-39)

-after the Jerusalem Council
-Paul’s intention to check on spiritual progress
-sharp disagreement regarding John Mark
-Paul and Barnabas separate

II. The Provision of God (40-41, 1-3)

-Barnabas and Mark to Cyprus
-Paul and Silas to Syria/Cilicia
-addition of Timothy at Lystra
-Timothy’s circumcision: normalization and not imposition

III. The Progress of the Church (4-5)

-communication of Jerusalem Council decision
-strengthened in the faith
-increased in numbers

IV. So What?

-Because God’s Kingdom purposes cannot ultimately fail, “do the next thing” and align your agenda with His.
-“Do it immediately; Do it with prayer; Do it reliantly, Casting all care; Do it with reverence, Tracing His Hand, Who placed it before thee with earnest command. Stayed on Omnipotence, Safe ‘neath His wing, Leave all resultings, Do the next thing.” (quoted by E. Elliot)
-What true progress looks like in 2018: that you and others know Christ and grow in Christ.


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