Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 19, 2017

“A Psalm for Thanksgiving 2017” Psalm 147:1-11 Bible Study 11/19/17

As we anticipate Thanksgiving next week, we turn our attention this morning to Psalm 147. It is one of a group of Psalms which conclude the Psalter. These Psalms commonly are referred to as “Hallel” Psalms because all of them begin with a form of the word “Hallelujah” (Praise Yahweh). In terms of content, Psalm 147 is a potent rebuke of self-absorbed, narcissistic, man-centered worship. It includes not only calls to praise but causes for praise. This Psalm does not include any reference to the first person pronoun (I). Instead, it refers to God at least 14 times and the Lord 8 times. Psalm 147 is divided into three distinct sections (1-6, 7-11, and 12-20. This morning our focus will be on the first two sections.

I. Praise for Restoration (1-6)

-call to praise-hallelujah: good, pleasant, fitting
-building and gathering: return from exile/completion of wall (Neh. 12:27)
-healing and binding: immanence of God/hearts
-determines and gives: transcendence of God/stars
-abundant power and infinite understanding
-exaltation and debasement

II. Praise for Provision (7-11)

-call to praise: sing with thanksgiving
-precipitation and provision-even for ravens!
-the Provider’s delight and pleasure
-fearing the Provider and hoping in Him

III. So What?

-This Thanksgiving, let your fear of the Lord and your hope in Him prime the pump of praise in your life.
-The God of the galaxies is the Physician of hearts. “Star Counting and Heart Healing.” (Ainsworth)
-“Don’t you ever wonder why in spite of all that’s wrong here, there’s still so much that goes right and beauty abounds? ‘Cause sometimes when you walk outside the air is full of song here. The thunder rolls and the baby sighs, and the rain comes down. And when you see the spring has come and it warms you like a mother’s kiss, don’t you want to thank someone? Don’t you want to thank someone for this?”
(A. Peterson)
-“It’s easy passing milestones when you’re going home.” (Thomas Champness)
-“Be not afraid of saying too much in the praises of God; all the danger is of saying too little.” (M. Henry)
-“The God who made the firmament, who made the deepest sea, The God who put the stars in place, is the God who cares for me.” (Berg)
-Ultimate restoration and provision: Emmanuel!


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