Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 5, 2017

“Holy Approach” Leviticus 1:1-17 Bible Study 11/05/17

This morning we turn from the study of Exodus to the study of the closely connected content of the book of Leviticus. 1:1-6:7 is essentially a manual for sacrifices with implications for all of Israel. The laws of the sacrifices lay the foundation for the New Testament teaching of the atoning work of Christ. They also provide the reader with insight into this weighty question: How does an impure, sinful, mortal creature find access into the presence of God?

I. Review/Context

-golden calf (Ex. 32) and the necessity of reconciliation
-tabernacle: the word revealed and worship through sacrifice
-the LORD called…saying
-Lev. 1: focus on burnt offerings

II. Entrance Allowed

-basis of acceptance of the worshiper
-no one prohibited from approaching
-requirement for sacrificial victim: blameless/without defect

III. Procedure Specified

-blood and body of a substitute
-identification of worshiper with the sacrificial victim
-sacrifice “surrendered” and wrath of God satisfied
-atoning sacrifice

IV. Acceptance Indicated

-sacrifice consumed by fire on altar
-smell/aroma of sacrifice: pleasing to the LORD

V. So What?

-Those who approach God on the basis of atoning sacrifice may experience acceptance with Him forever.
-Note the NT connections: Mt. 20:28; Rom. 3:25; Eph. 5:27: 1Pet. 1:19, 2:22
-“Sacrifice is at the heart of all true worship.” (Ross)


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