Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 22, 2017

“Don’t Have a Cow!” Exodus 32:1-6 Bible Study 10/22/17

Beginning with Exodus 24:12, we find Moses meeting with the LORD on the mountain in order to receive the tablets of stone which contained the law and the commandments. With Exodus 32, the scene shifts from the mountain to the encamped Israelites in the valley. This shift sets the stage for the account of Israel’s idolatrous rebellion in the making of and worship of a golden calf. In a real sense, the LORD’S covenant people, rather than trusting the LORD, proceeded to “have a cow.” Today, the hideous practice of idolatry remains a threat for God’s people. Our text today offers a solemn warning for us not to “crave” evil things (1 Cor. 10:6-7).

I. Beware of Disobeying the LORD’S Revealed Will

-violation of at least three commandments
-the major issue in Exodus: worship (24:3, 7)
-“God created man in His image and ever since, man has been trying to return the favor.” (Chesterton)
-“The mind is a perpetual idol factory” (Calvin)

II. Beware of Doubting the LORD’S Sufficiency

-impatience with the LORD’S timing
-disrespect for the LORD’S representative (Acts 7:39-40)
-a hostile “takeover”

III. Beware of Distorting the LORD’S Purpose

-the LORD’S reputation (9:16)
-a self-serving mentality
-a demonstration of depravity
-idolatry leading to immorality
-“What we revere, we resemble, either for our ruin or our restoration.” (Beale)

IV. Beware of Discounting the LORD’S Activity

-the misuse of the LORD’S gifts
-a case of spiritual amnesia (Psa. 106:19-22)

V. So What?

-Knowing that God abhors idolatry, repudiate it and replace it with holy intoxication.
-battling infidelity with intoxication (Eph. 5:18)
-“As A. W. Pink has written: ‘Man must have an object, and when he turns from the true God, he at once craves a false one.’ But this statement can also be reversed. The way to reduce our craving for false gods is for our minds and hearts to be intoxicated with the Spirit of the one true God.” (Ryken)
-Don’t have a cow! Rather, have the conquering King of the Ages who comes to you in the person of Jesus Christ.


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