Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 24, 2017

“Divine Intervention” Exodus 14:13-31 Bible Study 09/24/17

Following the last of ten plagues upon Egypt, the book of Exodus records the departure of God’s people from bondage in Egypt. With the Egyptian army behind them and the Red Sea in front of them, the Lord protects His people and provides for their miraculous deliverance. Israel would discover what all people can discover: the advocacy of the Almighty is both incomparable and essential.

I. Review/Setting

-Passover: sign of God’s grace and foreshadowing of Christ
-judgment on Pharaoh/Egypt (12:29-30)
-departure from Egypt (12:31-32)
-pillar of cloud/fire (13:21-22)
-hardening Pharaoh’s heart (14:5-9)
-trapped by the sea (14:10-12)

II. Moses instructs the people courageously (13-14)

-fear not
-stand and see
-the Lord will fight for you

III. The Lord instructs Moses specifically (15-18)

-lift and stretch
-harden…get glory

IV. The Lord protects His people strategically (19-20)


V. The Lord intervenes supernaturally (21-22)

-divided water
-dry ground

VI. The Lord triumphs decisively (23-29)

-chaos and clogged wheels
-shaken into the sea

VII. Authorial Summary (30-31)

-God saved
-Israel saw
-people feared and believed

VIII. So What?

-Because God is inclined to deliver his people and is able to do so entirely at His discretion, revere Him and rely on Him.
-Reflect regularly on the Lord’s deliverance. (15:1-21)
-Recognize a greater deliverance. (Col. 1:9-14)
-“By waters still , o’er troubled sea, still ‘tis His hand that leadeth me.” (J. Gilmore)


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