Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 23, 2017

Guest Speaker: Dr. Barry McCarty

“Jesus Heals a Woman with a Hemorrhage” – Mark 5:24-34

The incident is book-ended by the healing of the Gerasene demoniac occurring before and Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead afterward.

The woman’s ailment caused her to be unclean under the law, adding further to her misery.

Verses 25-27 contain seven Greek participles, describing the history of her condition.

Obviously, she had heard of Jesus and believed what she had heard. She thought that all she had to do was to just touch the hem of His garment.

In verse 31, the Greek for touch is hapto. The word has migrated into English as haptic, as relating to the employment of touch. And, in the Greek text of Mark, the verb, touch, is in the feminine case, indicating that Jesus knew a woman had touched Him. In fact, Jesus, as God, knew all about it well before the incident occurred.

In verse 34, Jesus informs the woman that it was her faith responsible for her healing; her action of touching Him was merely the evidence of her faith.
The Greek verb, translated as “healed” here, is also translated elsewhere as “saved.”


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