Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 18, 2017

Guest Speaker: Daniel Dickard

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“The Lord is my Shepherd” – Psalm 23

I. “The” signifies the exclusivity of the Lord.

II. “Is my shepherd” indicates that the Lord is present with us
and is our personal shepherd. We rest in the person of God.

III. “I shall not want” signifies that God is in control.

IV. “quiet waters” (A sheep cannot drink from rushing water.)

V. “He restores my soul” – rest is not just of the body but of the soul.

VI. “guides in the paths of righteousness” – paths signifies the ways God
requires us to go.

VII. “the shadow of death” reminds us that God is with us even in the inevitability
of death.

VIII. “rod and staff” signifies the Lord’s protection.

IX. “prepares a table” signifies the Lord’s forethought.

X. “dwell in the House of the Lord forever” – the promise of eternal life in the
presence of the Lord for the believer.


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