Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 30, 2017

“Sovereignty, Supper and Mercy” Matthew 26:17-35 Bible Study 04/30/17

In our text this morning we find Jesus and His disciples gathered together in an upper room on the Thursday evening before His crucifixion on Friday. In the context of the Passover meal, Jesus institutes what we refer to as the Lord’s Supper. Interestingly, the account of this memorial within a meal is bracketed by two shattering predictions: the betrayal by Judas and the denial by Peter. In his Spirit-inspired narrative account, Matthew emphasizes our Lord’s sovereignty and mercy. As desperately as the disciples needed a Master who manifested these attributes, so also we need Him today.

I. Context (26:1-16)

-prediction of death
-plot to kill
-anointing at Bethany

II. Preparation for Passover (17-19)

-question of disciples
-instruction of Jesus

III. Prediction of Betrayal (20-25)

-reclined at table and eating
-pronouncement of impending betrayal
-“sick at heart” disciples
-“Surely, not me!”
-perpetrator present at the meal
-identification of Judas

IV. Portrait of the Lord’s Supper (26-30)

-as they were eating
-blessing, breaking and distribution of bread
-Take, eat; this is my body
-cup, thanks and command to drink
-blood of the covenant (Ex. 24:8)
– a hymn and a declaration

V. Prediction of Denial (31-35)

-predicting behavior of disciples (Zech. 13:7)
-predicting His own resurrection
-predicting Peter’s denial

VI. So What?

-Because Jesus is both sovereign and merciful, remember His passion and rely on His provision.
-“What is certain is that Jesus bids us commemorate, not his birth, nor his life, nor his miracles, but his death.” (D. A. Carson)
-Remember that there will never be a time that Jesus is not in control.
-Magnify the miracle of mercy.
-“What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, dearest Friend, for this, Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? Oh, make me Thine forever! And should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never outlive my love for Thee.” (Bernard of Clairvaux/Paul Gerhardt)


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