Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 16, 2017

“Empty Tomb Observations” Matthew 28:1-15 Bible Study 04/16/17

On this Easter Sunday we turn our attention to Matthew’s gospel and his account of the very first Easter Sunday. Each of the gospel writers shares his unique perspective on the first Easter. However, all of their accounts address and confirm the reality of the empty tomb, the announcement of the resurrection to women and the meeting of disciples with the risen Lord.

I. Supernatural Intervention (1-4)

-after Sabbath and near dawn on Sunday
-Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
-angelic intervention
-stunned guards
-use of “behold” (6 times in Matthew 28)

II. Comforting Affirmation (5-6a)

-do not be afraid
-…Jesus who was crucified
-…not here…risen, as he said

III. Instructive Imperatives (6b-10)


IV. Deceptive Intention (11-15)

-spreading story
-complete concoction

V. So what?

-Because the risen Christ is Lord of all, treasure Him and acknowledge His absolute, unlimited authority in your life.
-Failure to treasure Him is an act of treason against the God who raised Him from the dead.
-“The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb.” (P. Larson)
-“The only resurrection that counts for anything is a resurrection of the body.” (J. Boice)
-“Crown Him with many crowns, as thrones before Him fall. Crown Him, ye kings, with many crowns, for He is Lord of all.” (M. Bridges)


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