Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 12, 2017

“Look and Listen!” Matthew 17:1-13 Bible Study 03/12/17

Our text this morning focuses on the transfiguration event in the earthly ministry of Jesus. Prior to the events recorded in Matthew 17, Jesus has heard Peter’s confession and has confirmed his impending death. Now, accompanied by Peter, James and John, Jesus goes up to a high mountain to pray. While on the mountain, Jesus is transfigured. This is the only occasion in His earthly ministry when there is a recorded revelation of the glory of His person. This “glimpse of glory” has powerful implications for modern disciples.

I. Background/context (1)

-six days after confession of 16:13-20
-Peter, James and John
-centrality of prayer (Luke 9:28-29)

II. Transformation (2)

-metamorphosed 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2; Ex. 34:29-30
-glimpse of glory

III. Affirmation (3)

-Moses: Law
-Elijah: Prophets
-Matthew 5: 17
-conversation: departure/exodus (Luke 9:31)

IV. Verification (4-8)

-Peter’s attempt
-cloud: presence/glory
-voice: Psa. 2:7; Isa. 42:1; Deut. 18:15
-Jesus only

V. Clarification (9-13)

-command of Jesus
-question of the disciples
-role of Elijah
-certainty of suffering

VI. So What?

-Because the Father validates Jesus as His unique Son and our unique Savior, look to Him alone for salvation and sustenance.
-“It is better to hear the Son of God than to see saints or to build tabernacles.” (Spurgeon)
-Affirm, appreciate and celebrate the unrivaled credentials of Jesus!
-Acknowledge the biblical order: the cross before the crown.
-Make the connection: 2 Peter 1:16-21
-The duty and delight of biblical digestion: Psalm 119:9-16
-Look and listen! 2 Cor. 3:18


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