Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 12, 2017

“Seeing Yourself in Samson” Judges 16:1-31 Bible Study 02/12/17

This morning we will turn our attention to Judges 16 and the compelling, yet tragic, story of Samson. One might question why Israel needed to hear this sordid story or why we need to hear it today. An appropriate answer would be that we are to view Samson as a mirror in which ancient Israel was to see itself and, by extension, in which we are to see ourselves. Samson’s story is a precautionary narrative: Those who attempt to please everyone, including themselves, more than God invite ultimate heartache and disaster to come calling. Put another way, those who fail to glory in the King’s majesty will only find themselves grinding in the equivalent of a Philistine mill!

I. The Beginning of the End (1-3)

-contrast between the former Samson (chapters 14-15) and the latter Samson (chapter 16)
-a seeking Samson sustained and a self-sufficient Samson abandoned
-significance of Judges 15:20
-Gaza: a female, a failed ambush and a fractured city

II. Playing Games with Delilah (4-14)

-bribery of the Philistines
-Delilah’s question
-Samson’s deception: fresh bowstrings, new ropes and fastened hair

III. Samson Cracks (15-21)

-intensified pressure from Delilah
-the razor’s edge
-Samson’s tragic ignorance
-grinding in prison at Gaza

IV. God’s Honor Vindicated (22-31)

-hint of hope
-Philistine dullness
-entertainment by Samson
-Samson’s request
-God’s answer
-true God vindicated/false god exposed

V. So What?

-Because the Lord is gracious and merciful, He continues to hear and answer His erring servants.
-Praise God for His faithfulness in the midst of your failure.
-Prize the presence of God above all things.
-Are you God-dependent or self-sufficient?
-If you ask, “Why Samson?” you must also ask, “Why me?”
-“…the arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own…” (G. Duffield)


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