Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 5, 2017

“Meeting God in the Text” Judges 6 Bible Study 02/05/17

This morning we will cover Judges 6 in its entirety. It is a highly significant chapter in Judges because it reveals how gracious the Lord is in preparing His people for deliverance. While 1:1-3:6 highlights the failure of a second generation to obey the Lord, 3:7-16:31 places the spotlight on the long-suffering of the Lord in extending salvation to an undeserving people. Additionally, although Judges 6 records the call of Gideon, He is not the main character. Rather, the main character is the long-suffering, promise-keeping Lord. Let’s meet Him in the text!

I. The cycle continues (1-6)

-rebellion of Israel
-oppression by Midian
-cry for help

II. A prophet’s explanation (7-10)

-rehearsal of grace
-repetition of demand
-interpretation of circumstances

III. The promise of the Lord’s presence (11-24)

-unexpected omission
-Gideon: “hacker”
-addressed by an angel
-Gideon’s protest
-the promise repeated
-a request answered by fire
-Gideon’s awe and the Lord’s peace

IV. A demand for idol-removal (25-32)

-“back yard” Baal
-compliance in the night
-perverted indignation
-Joash’s defense and challenge

V. A case of condescending assurance (33-40)

-clothing of Gideon
-assembling for conflict
-Gideon and the fleece
-looking ahead: Midian defeated (Judges 7)

VI. So what?

-In light of the Lord’s long-suffering toward you, obey His voice and rely on His adequacy.
-Stand in awe of the strange strategy of the Lord. He doesn’t act on the basis of our focus groups or expectations.
-What Baals need banishment from your back yard?
-Cease blaming the Lord for the self-inflicted consequences of disobedience.
-“Forfeited mercies are followed by more mercies. Whatever foolishness of the past we blush at, yet we are encouraged that God’s kindness continues, for His mercies are new every morning.” (S. Charnock)
-Treasure the greatness of grace and the privilege of intimacy with the Infinite!


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