Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 8, 2017

“A Shake-Up at Shechem” Joshua 24:1-28 Bible Study 01/08/17

Joshua 24 records the third and final assembly of God’s people in Joshua 22-24. This assembly occurred at Shechem, the place where God made the promise of a land to Abraham some 600 years earlier (Gen. 12:6-7). Joshua used this meaningful location as the backdrop for a covenant renewal of God’s people, who now possessed the land promised to their “father” Abraham. This ancient story has significant implications for believers today. God’s past and present faithfulness provides powerful fuel for an obedient future.

I. The Setting (1)

-repetition of “summoned”
-“…before God

II. The History Review (2-13)

-review of covenant history with emphasis on God’s activity (“I” 18 times)
-amazing grace: they “served other gods”
-unhurried pace: “made his offspring many”
-power, protection and provision

III. The Call for Commitment (14-24)

-logical: “Now therefore…” (Rom. 12:1-2)
-exclusive: “serve” (18 times in Josh. 24)
-Yahweh or two sets of pagan gods
-cautious: “You are not able…”

IV. The Covenant Renewed (25-28)

-implied sacrifice: covenant=”to cut”
-written record
-a stone witness

V. So What?

-Because the Lord relates to you graciously and faithfully, serve Him gladly and exclusively.
-“Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I come…Let Thy goodness, Like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee…” (R. Robinson)


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