Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 1, 2017

“High Fidelity” Joshua 22:1-8 Bible Study 01/01/17

On this first Sunday of a new year, we turn our attention to the closing portion of the book of Joshua. Here, we see reminders of the Lord’s faithfulness to His people as well as a challenge for His people to respond in faithful obedience to Him.

I. Overview of Joshua

-entering the land (1-4)
-taking the land (5-12)
-possessing the land (13-21)
-retaining the land (22-24)

II. An emphatic reminder of the Lord’s fidelity (21:43-45)

III. An emphatic call for the faithfulness of the Lord’s people (22:1-8)

-focus of chapters 22-24: “summoned”
-context for 22:1-8: 1:12-18
-commendation for obedience (22:1-4)
-exhortation for ongoing fidelity (22:5-6)
-instruction regarding generosity (22:6-8)

IV. So what?

-Because the Lord’s faithfulness to His own is unwavering, respond to Him with complete submission.
-Regularly rehearse the faithfulness of the Lord with yourself and with others.
-“God must be chiefly eyed in our praises, yet instruments must not be altogether overlooked.” (M. Henry)
-Ponder your passion for faithfulness to the Lord.
-“A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: Oh, may it all my powers engage, To do my Master’s will. (C. Wesley)


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