Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 11, 2016

“Credit Where It’s Due” Joshua 5:13-6:27 Bible Study 12/11/16

Our study in Joshua this morning brings us to the account of the conquest of the city of Jericho. In it, we discover the presence, plan and power of God. We also discover that Joshua did not “fight” the Battle of Jericho!

I. The Commander of the Lord’s army (5:13-6:5)

-the OT perspective of conquest (Gen. 15:16, Deut. 9:4-5)
-appearance as a warrior
-submission and then instruction
-seemingly hopeless situation

II. The Lord’s unusual methodology (6:6-15)

-blowing of horns
-circling of city
-centrality of the ark
-the shout

III. The significance of submission (6:16-21)

-the ban (herem)
-the shout
-compliance before conquest

IV. The deliverance in the midst of judgment (6:21-27)

-rescue of Rahab
-inclusion of Rahab (Matt. 1:5)

V. So what?

-In God’s economy, the prelude of obedience precedes the processional of victory. Therefore, prioritize obedience to Him.
-Reverent submission sets the stage for specific instruction.
-The posture of dependence paves the path to deliverance.
-Marvel at the magnificent mercy of God: A Canaanite prostitute becomes the great, great grandmother of David- a snapshot of the ultimate gift of mercy in God’s Son!


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