Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 20, 2016

“Keep Yourselves in the Love of God” Jude 1, 17-20 Bible Study 11/20/16

This morning we will examine a pivotal text in the frequently neglected book of Jude. It is essentially a polemic against false teachers and a warning for believers to persevere in right doctrine and right living. Believers are to persevere by keeping themselves in the love of God. Our text this morning communicates the specifics of how such a “keeping” is done. Those who are kept by God keep themselves in the love of God.

I. Keep yourselves in the love of God (21a)

-apparent conflict: verse 1 and verse 21
-“Grace is opposed to earning-not effort.” (Willard)
-fire insurance or fire endowment?
-How? Persevere: contend v. 3, remember v. 17
-specifically: three participles modify the main verb “keep” v.21

A. Build on your faith (20a)

-doctrinal conformity
-personal commitment
-avoiding the anesthesia of idolatry

B. Pray in the Holy Spirit (20b)

-intoxicated prayer
-use the words He inspired
-relationship requires communication

C. Wait for God’s mercy (21b)

-not passive
-Let future assurance shape present activity.
-“We have the presence and the promises of God. We are meant to march to that great music.” (Carmichael)
-Erupt in doxology (25)
-The foundation for finishing well is a riveted focus on the faithful love of God.


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