Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 6, 2016

“For This Very Reason” 2 Peter 1:1-11 Bible Study 11/06/16

This morning we begin a new study in 2 Peter, which was Peter’s final recorded correspondence. Writing to the same original recipients addressed in 1 Peter, Peter continued to offer inspired insights for believers living in the midst of persecution and cultural confusion. He wanted his readers to be assured that God’s power and promises provided everything necessary for their growth in conformity to Christ. Therefore, we can summarize his instruction in 1: 1-11 with the following statement: In light of the Lord’s power and promises, passionately pursue the goal of growth in likeness to Christ.

I. Practice biblical “choreography” (5-7)

-affirmation of effort: bring in diligence
-power of favor precedes our labor
-spiritually “fit out” the chorus
-seven-fold application of faith: banking on Christ
*moral excellence: virtue
*knowledge: discernment
*self-control: strict training
*perseverance: unswerving devotion
*godliness: reflecting God’s character
*brotherly kindness: family affection
*love: origin in the agent not the object

II. Prioritize biblical productivity (8-9)

-possession and progression
-neither ineffective nor unproductive in knowledge
-not blind or myopic

III. Prize biblical certainty (10-11)

-be diligent to confirm: cooperation
-observe the order: calling and election
-two results:
*no falling beyond recovery
*no hindered entrance
-confirmation by continuation

IV. So what?

-Affirm divine sovereignty and human responsibility.
-Remember: “Grace is opposed to earning-not to effort.” (D. Willard)
-Assess life biblically: “Three things are called precious in the Scripture: the blood of Christ is called “precious blood,” 1 Peter 1:19; and faith is called “precious faith,” 2 Peter 1:1; and the promises are called “precious promises,” 2 Peter 1:4.” (T. Brooks)
-Feed your mind with the promises of God.


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