Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 25, 2016

“Substitution: Heart of the Gospel” 1 Peter 2:24-25 Bible Study 09/25/16

Our text for this morning has been called an “explicit statement of the heart of the Gospel.” In it, we learn that Christ is more than simply our example in suffering. He suffered as our substitute in order to save us!

I. Pay attention to the context

-submission to government (1:13-17)
-submission as slaves (1:18-23)
-scope of suffering
-shift from affirmation to application

II. Understand the nature of Christ’s sufferings for you (24a)

-He alone
-our: beneficial for all believers
-substance: bore our sins (Isa. 53:11-12)
-sphere: in his body
-sense: on the tree as a curse

III. Ponder the purpose of Christ’s sufferings for you (24b)

-die to sin
-live to righteousness
-satisfaction, sacrifice and substitution

IV. Assess the impact of Christ’s sufferings for you (24c-25)

-healed like a diseased person
-brought home like a lost sheep

V. So What?

-Since Christ, the Shepherd, is the standard for your suffering and the substitute for your sins, follow His path of obedience in every circumstance.
-“We must be enemies to sin since Christ was a sacrifice for it.” (Charnock)
-“Nay, verily, we will sooner have our tongue cut out than cease to speak of the precious blood of Jesus Christ.” (Spurgeon)
-“My sin-O the bliss of this glorious thought!- My sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!” (Spafford)


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