Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 18, 2016
“Who’s in the House?” 1 Peter 2:4-6 Bible Study 09/18/16
I. Introduction
-shift from the individual to the community
-Because Jesus Himself is the foundation and focus of God’s house, those in it should throb with
His power and praise.
II. Inclusion involves coming to Jesus continually
-constantly drawing near
-to the stone that lives
-who was rejected and elected
III. Identity flows from connection to Jesus personally
-living stones
-being built up
-spiritual house
-holy priesthood
IV. Activity focuses on valuing Jesus supremely
-choice location and controlling stone
-not put to shame: tremendous encouragement
V. So What?
-Understand that the Lord makes you who you are so that you can make known who He is.
-Grasp the options: enjoy deliverance or experience downfall
-Embrace your identity in the house of God.
-Accept the assignment of proclaiming His excellencies.