Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 17, 2016

“A Matter of the Heart” 1 Samuel 16:1-23 Bible Study 07/17/16

Our text this morning focuses on the selection of David to be Israel’s king after the tragic demise of Saul. The key emphasis in this text is the Lord’s provision for Himself of a king for His people. As we shall see, the Lord confounds the expectations of Samuel in selecting a king. His focus is decidedly internal as opposed to the external orientation of fallen humans.

I. A Cause for Hope (1-5)

-Saul has failed
-Samuel is grieved
-the LORD’S provision
-particular instructions

II. A Case of Sovereign Wisdom (6-7)

-appeal of Eliab
-how the LORD “sees”
-the external and the internal

III. A Scene of Surprise Selection (8-13)

-seven sons: no selection
-summons for David
-the LORD’s specific instruction
-David’s anointing and endowment

IV. Grasping the Saul/David Contrast (14-23)

-with reference to the Spirit
-rejected king/anointed king
-seeking relief from his successor
-connection to Christ (John 2:25; Isa. 53:2-3).

V. So What?

-Because we lack discernment and tend to make superficial evaluations, trust the LORD to make provision for leadership
in His Kingdom.
-ultimate example: Jesus Christ
-“Sometimes Yahweh must save us from our saviors, our self-chosen solutions to kingdom needs or personal dilemmas.”
-“Do not be guided by expediency but by divine authority.” (Spurgeon)


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