Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 15, 2016

“From Persecution to Proclamation” Acts 9:1-20 Bible Study 05/15/16

Our text this morning focuses on the dramatic conversion experience of Saul of Tarsus. The significance of his conversion is indicated by the fact that there are three accounts of it recorded in Acts. The sovereignty of the Lord Jesus in initiating and orchestrating this conversion, when it is considered carefully, is absolutely stunning!

I. Introduction

-observations regarding “shocker” conversions
-major emphases: Holy Spirit, Church growth/health, external/internal opposition
-context: following Stephen’s stoning and Philip’s encounter
-conversion accounts: Acts 9, 22, 26

II. Intercepted by Jesus (1-6)

-extensive opposition
-sovereign initiative
-light and voice
-sovereign interrogation
-first orders

III. Orchestration according to Sovereignty (7-20)

-speechless companions
-significant blindness
-agency of Ananias
-election of Saul: chosen instrument
-synagogue “shock”

IV. So What?

-Because the Lord Jesus is sovereign and sufficient in saving sinners, you can have hope for yourself and for the people you long to see converted.
-Connect persecution and proclamation (Phil. 3:12)
– “Healthy things grow…Growing things change…Change challenges us…Challenge forces us to trust God…Trust leads to obedience…Obedience makes us healthy…Healthy things grow” (J. Ryle)
-“Understand that God had you in mind when he saved Saul (1 Tim. 1:15-16).” (Piper)
-Joyfully recognize that Christianity is a converting religion.
-“O, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me…” (F. Whitfield, 1855)


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