Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 10, 2016

“Holy Boldness” Acts 4:1-31 Bible Study 04/10/16

This morning we will examine a chapter which records perhaps the first case of persecution against the early church. The church’s response is instructive and exemplary for 21st century believers. A key factor that shapes the proper treatment of Acts 4 is the repetition (verse 13, 29, 31) of the word “boldness.” An understanding of this term, as used in Scripture, indicates that is an indispensable attribute for believers today. This is true, in part, because boldness was an identity-shaping element in the early church.

I. Understand the context

-healing of lame man 3:1-10
-Call for repentance 3:11-26

II. Annoying proclamation 4:1-12

-content of message
-explanation Psa. 118:22

III. Astonishing boldness 4:13-22

-perception of authorities
-confounding conference
-stern warning
-bold response
-reluctant release

IV. Anointed prayer meeting 4:23-31

-acknowledgement of sovereignty
-analysis from Scripture Psa. 2:1-2
-appeal for enablement
-answer to prayers: shaken, filled, boldness

V. So what?

-When you recognize God’s sovereignty and rely on His Spirit, you can serve Him with holy boldness.
-Boldness: “…Clear, direct communication in the face of potential opposition.” (J. McDonald)
-Boldness: “…outspokenness about the identity of Jesus.” (J. McDonald)
-“Is a Christian navigating life so as to avoid conflict? If so, it may be a clear signal that cowardice is winning out over courage.” (J. Piper)
-God loves His truth. And He means to use it to humble people, exalt His Son, and turn wimps into bold, humble, broken-hearted people.” (J. Piper)
-“To live Christianly in a culture of confusion is to live boldly.” (J. Parnell)

-Three specific applications:

*Be a person of the “Book”
*Speak the exclusivity of Jesus with clarity and without apology
*View boldness as an indicator of Holy Spirit filling


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