Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 3, 2016

“Your Pursuit of Poverty in 2016” Matthew 5:1-3 Bible Study 01/03/16

This morning we begin a study of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. The Beatitudes are statements of promised Kingdom blessing recorded in Matthew 5:1-12. They comprise the bulk of the introductory portion of the Sermon on the Mount which covers Matthew chapters 5-7. Often misunderstood, the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount do not describe attributes one must manifest to “earn” God’s favor. Rather, they stress the transformed character of the one who truly has met the King and become a citizen of His Kingdom. When you grasp something of the depth of your own spiritual poverty, you treasure the mercy of the Ruler and the magnitude of His reign.

I. Introduction (1-2)

-primary audience:
-new identity: an “extreme makeover”
-the meaning of “blessed”

II. Affirm your inability

-the opposite of being rich in pride
-the source of blessing (James 1:16-17)
-the beginning of blessing (Psalm 32:1-2)

III. Acknowledge that emptying precedes filling

-repentance and conversion
-boasting and self-pity
-dismissing the disposition of merit

IV. Make the Master your measure

-the curse of comparison
-the key to the Kingdom

V. Conclusion

-Christianity is for the crippled!
-“…hear and respond to Jesus’ teaching like a true disciple rather than like the crowds who were impressed by Jesus’ authority but who ignored His instructions.” (C. Quarles)
-“Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling; Naked, come to thee for dress; Helpless, look to thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die.” (Toplady)


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