Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 27, 2015

“Tempted As We Are” Matthew 4:1-11 Bible Study 12/27/15

This morning we turn our attention to the temptation of Jesus which followed His baptism and His Father’s words of affirmation. Hebrews 4:15 informs us that Jesus was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Temptation is a common subject in Scripture and a constant reality in our lives. How Jesus responded to temptation demonstrates and authenticates His identity as the Son of God. His response is also instructive for us as we face it in our own lives.

I. Make the connection (1-2)

-message of repentance 3:1-12
-baptism of Jesus: identification and affirmation
-role of the Holy Spirit
-fasting and hunger
-the tempter: devil/satan

II. Observe the “provision” temptation (3-4)

-if/since you are the Son of God…
-stones to bread
-it is written Deut. 8:3

III. Observe the “protection” temptation (5-7)

-pinnacle of Temple in Jerusalem
-throw yourself down
-Scripture-twisting Psa. 91:11-12
-it is written Deut. 6:16

IV. Observe the “plan” temptation (8-11)

-fall down and worship
-be gone, satan!
-it is written Deut. 6:13
-devil departs and angels minister

V. For further reflection
-Avoid the “Flip Wilson Mentality.” 1 Cor. 10:13, James 1:13-15
-Recognize that where Adam/Eve and Israel failed, Jesus succeeded.
-Savor His sympathy and seek His presence Heb. 4:14-16
-When tempted, wield the weapon of the Word. Eph. 6:17, Psa. 119:11
-“The great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh, hear the voice of Jesus…” (William Hunter)
-When you resist temptation by the help of the Holy Spirit, you model the allegiance of Jesus to His father. Dr. Matthew McKellar’s weekly lesson from December 27, 2015


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